Services offered by Wikifx
Wikifx global Forex regulatory body provides a great deal of free services to its subscribers and users. The following are the list of services provided on the website freely to the users accessible once you download the app.
Breaking News in the Forex Market
This is one of the very interesting services offered by Wikifx. Here the website provides daily news and insights about the Forex Market which guides the traders in making Fundamental Analysis and Forecast. Wikifx employs expert market analysts who often analyzed the market and made Forecast for the week and on daily basis too. Traders are therefore invited to visit Wikifx app daily to read interesting news and Forecast about the market. To see the articles always click on the home page of the app containing any of the three options: “Latest” “Original” “Industry”.
Brokers Ranking
Following a close survey and thorough investigation of each broker to verify their existence and quality of services offered, Wikifx provides in this section a substantive ranking for all the existing brokers. The grading is a total of 10 points ranking. Traders are advised to confirm the ranking of each broker from Wikifx global surveys before proceeding to invest with any broker.
This is a very important aspect of Wikifx services. Here the Wikifx global platform publishes the details of her findings from intelligent visit to different brokers office. Here Wikifx gives report about each broker she has visited through her agents and ranks their services. This is to guide the traders in making decisions on which broker really exist and which does not exist.
In this section Wikifx exposes the different complaints from traders regarding a particular broker especially the challenges encountered after depositing with them which includes: Inability to withdraw, fraudulent activities, scams, manipulations, etc.This serves to guide fresh traders not to fall into such traps and scams. This section is based on first hand experience and witnesses.
In this section Wikifx provides the list of all the different Forex and Financial market regulatory body established in the different countries across the globe and further provided the list of all the different brokers that are registered with these different regulatory body in each country. This guides the traders in making decision and choosing only such brokers that are registered with these bodies within one's country/region. Some of them regulators include: FCA (UK), ASIC (Australia), NFA (United States), FMA (New Zealand), SFC (Hong Kong), CGSE (Hong Kong), CYSEC (Cyprus), FSPR (New Zealand), CFFEX (China), VFSC (Vanuatu), FSC (Virgin Island), FINMA (Switzerland), FSA (Seychelles), CIMA (Cayman), MFSA (Malta), DFSA (Arab Emirates, Dubai), SCB (Bahamas), BaFin (Germany), FSA (Japan), BDF (France), CBR (Russia), NBRB (Belarus), FSCA (South Africa), CBI (Ireland), FSC (Mauritius), CNMV (Spain), IFSC (Belize), BAPPEBTI (Indonesia), SECC (Cambodia), and MAS (Singapore).
To find the complete list of all the brokers registered with these Forex Regulatory bodies, kindly download Wikifx app and check under the “Regulator” icon.
In this section the website provides an accurate account of the spread offered by brokers across the globe for different currency pairs. This enables the traders to discover the brokers offering the least spread for a particular currency pair. This guides the trader in making a choice of broker to choose when one is afraid of spread. However, one must first confirm the ranking of each broker offering a low spread before investing with them.
In this section Wikifx exposes the different scam records and accusations levelled against a particular broker by investors. To be fore-warned is to be fore-armed. Traders are therefore advised to stay away from these brokers with a long history of scamming investors.